West End in Schools Blog
Teacher resources and the latest news from West End in Schools.
Composing The Great Race
To celebrate Lunar New Year we spoke with Liz Chi Yen Liew, composer of our Chinese Zodiac Dance Workshop based on The Great Race.
Here she demonstrates how the instruments are used in the music, and speaks about her inspiration and approach when composing the piece.
Imagine a World That Didn't Sing
A few years ago we were lucky enough to work with John Nicholson of Peepolykus theatre company: John directed our musical theatre production of Hercules.
John is currently working with composer Alex Rudd to create a song in response to and to help draw attention to the crisis facing our industry. The finished product will be shared on social media - and the demo sounds great!
Zooming back to school
As schools begin to return we are looking at how we might be able to deliver workshops remotely directly in to schools so that we don’t need to enter class “bubbles”.
Like so many people over the lockdown we’ve become fairly used to talking to friends over Zoom, and as we begin to explore how best to use it for workshops I thought we should share our discoveries publicly.
Around the World in 80 Days: The Journey of a New Musical for Primary Schools
Last week, as schools were launching a new academic year, West End in Schools were embarking on our own kind of journey. Our mission: travel the world in 80 days. In a 55 minute musical. In a show that can fit into a school hall.
Specifically, we were back in the rehearsal room putting together our brand new musical Around the World in 80 Days, based on the classic adventure novel by Jules Verne.
Too small to make a difference? Teaching climate change in primary schools
How can we teach climate change to children in a way that feels productive, and not terrifying? Back in March our Creative Director Abi began working with a group of primary school teachers, environment experts and some of our most experienced drama facilitators to answer this exact question…
Inspiring Children to Dance
Inspiring children to bring books to life with dance is one of our favourite things to do at West End in Schools. Just last week we gathered some of the country’s most talented dancers in one room, to work through the choreography for our Bringing Books to Life dance workshops in primary schools. We spoke to a few of our regular West End in Schools choreographers to find out more about their work with us to inspire children to dance.
Treasure Hunt - Interview with Craig Christie
West End in Schools’ Literacy Musicals are created to inspire a love of reading and storytelling. Each one includes an original story and songs while featuring contemporary children’s books as part of its narrative. Ahead of World Book Day 2019 we spoke to the writer of the musicals, Craig Christie.
The Cow and the Pussycat
The cow and the pussy-cat went on tour
With their pantomimes UK-wide.
The cow said, “honey, we’ll earn some money,
So join me on this year’s ride…
It’s Behind You! Behind the Scenes of Panto Season
Putting together a panto season, complete with five different pantomimes on offer to schools, is no mean feat. As rehearsals draw to a close and with the first panto performances underway, we wanted to fill you in on what’s been happening behind the scenes at West End in Schools HQ.
Poppies and Propaganda - the original ‘fake news’?
Back in October a class of Year 6 children in London were taking part in a workshop about the First World War. Their session focused on the Battle of the Somme. As they explored the experience of the soldiers and the news reports from the time, something didn’t seem right. The explosive descriptions of the battle clashed with the reports that declared ‘Everything has gone well!’ It was confusing until they began discussing it in the context of today. Why would the news say something that wasn’t true? That just makes it fake news doesn’t it?
How to Make a School Pantomime Part 1: The Read-Through
How do you reimagine a beloved story? How do you take a tale (as old as time) and make it work for primary schools across the country, and fit into an hour’s pantomime performance in their school hall, and make it so magical that they will remember it for years to come? Read about the making of our new Beauty and the Beast pantomime here!
World Book Day - “Can we do that again?!”
When we visit a school it’s not just the children who have fun! We spoke to our lovely Daisy Maywood about her passion for Bringing Books to Life…
A day in the life of a 'West End in Schools' performer
Abi Finley, one of our regular West End in Schools performers, tells us about a typical day in her life…and a few more things besides!
The story behind our storyteller Craig Christie | West End in Schools
Craig Christie has written original musical productions for primary schools around the world every year since 1992. His shows have been seen by over 2 million children.
Back to Before Rehearsals
Welcome back! Our cast and creators are thrilled to be back for another school year full of learning, literacy, arts and fun - and so our new literacy musical, Back to Before, is in rehearsals this week!
End of Year Show
West End in Schools lead choreographer Mairi Cowieson worked with the children at teachers of KS2 at Berkeley Primary School, Gloucestershire to create an end of year show inspired by Michael Morpurgo's The Butterfly Lion.