Summer Term Workshops

Dance and drama workshops to celebrate summer events.

Summer Term Highlights | Summer Events and Festivals

Use drama to explore climate change this World Environment Day, or celebrate International Dance Day with one of our dance workshops. Our workshops are available all year round, but in the Summer Term we look forward to helping schools celebrate key dates such as Shakespeare Day, Share-a-Story Month or World Environment Day.


Summer Term Highlights

Shakespeare Day

23 April 2025

Shakespeare Explorer Drama Workshop

Choose between Shakespeare’s most famous plays to explore through drama. Children work class-by-class on your chosen play to develop creative ownership and confidence.

Shakespeare Today

Imagine the children of your school joining together to perform a Shakespeare play to each other – and the whole process, including preparation, only taking one day!

Share-a-Story Month

May 2025

Story Explorer Drama Workshop

Explore a book or fairytale first-hand, using theatrical techniques to get inside the minds of the characters and walk through the story’s world.

Dance Today - whole school performance workshops

Bring the story of Alice in Wonderland to life using dance to explore the characters and retell the story from beginning to end, culminating in a wonderful whole school performance.


World Environment Day

5 June 2025

Our World, Our Future

Part PSHE, geography, science, and drama, our climate change workshop encourages children to explore environmental challenges while empowering them to take ownership of their part in our world.

End your Summer Term with a whole school celebration!

Dance Today - whole school performance workshops

Our Dance Today - Alice in Wonderland workshops bring your whole school together to create a show in a day that’s perfect for end of year celebrations!

During the workshop, we work class-by-class to tell a section of the story through dance, before bringing all of the children together at the end of the day to perform their part - culminating in a wonderful whole school performance with professional voiceover and music.


Summer Term Events and Festivals

Shakespeare Day: 23 April 2025

Shakespeare Explorer Drama Workshop

Choose between Shakespeare’s most famous plays to explore through drama. Children work class-by-class on your chosen play to develop creative ownership and confidence.

Shakespeare Today

Imagine the children of your school joining together to perform a Shakespeare play to each other – and the whole process, including preparation, only taking one day!

St George's Day: 23 April 2025

George and the Dragon Dance Workshop

Celebrate British heritage and culture using traditional English dance to retell the medieval legend of Saint George and the Dragon.

International Dance Day: 29 April 2025

Dance Today - whole school performance workshops

Imagine the children of your school joining together to perform an exciting, vibrant version of Alice in Wonderland or Pinocchio – and the whole process, including preparation, only taking one day!

Dance Around our World

Explore how different cultures across the world have developed their own style of dance, from the Can Can to the Haka to the Highland Fling!

Share-a-Story Month: May 2025

Story Explorer Drama Workshop

Explore a book or fairytale first-hand, using drama exercises to get inside the minds of the characters and walk through the story’s world.

Dance Today - whole school performance workshops

Bring your choice our of Alice in Wonderland or Pinocchio to life using dance to explore the characters and retell the story from beginning to end, culminating in a wonderful whole school performance with professional voiceover and music.


World Environment Day: 5 June 2025

Our World, Our Future: The Climate Change Workshop

Explore the challenges facing our planet in our climate change workshop. Part PSHE, geography, science, and drama, sessions encourage children to take ownership of their part in our world.