Our World, Our Future: The Climate Change Workshop

Year 1 - Year 6
Led by a professional actor-facilitator
Science Week, World Environment Day, PSHE
Delivered in your school hall

Planet Protectors assemble! Explore the challenges facing our planet in our interactive drama workshop for Years 1 to 6

Ignite your children’s imaginations with Our World, Our Future, an unforgettable cross-curricular workshop for Years 1 – 6 that focuses on making real positive change for our planet.

Combining science, geography, poetry, and drama, the class-by-class sessions brings the topic of climate change to life through interactive drama activities that empower children to take ownership of their part in the world.

Led by a professional actor, children become Planet Protectors, tackling real-world environmental challenges and discovering how they can make a difference together. They’ll deepen their knowledge of the topic while building skills in critical thinking, oracy, creativity, and teamwork.

Available year-round, the workshop is particularly popular during Science Week (8 - 16 Mar 2025) and World Environment Day (5 June 2025).

’Drama and theatre are a brilliant way of reflecting society back to itself and that’s what we’re trying to do. The difficult balance is to talk about a really serious problem and for children not to feel downhearted by it, but instead to feel invigorated and that they are able to take part in making a more positive future for themselves.Workshop creator, Abigail Rosser

Created by:
Abigail Rosser
Find out more about our creatives.

  • We work with children in their usual classes.
  • Sessions are 35 - 60 minutes for KS1, or 50 - 90 minutes for KS2.
  • We can work with up to six classes per day, or up to five KS2 classes.
  • To work with fewer classes we can visit for just an afternoon or morning session.
  • To work with more than six classes we can visit across multiple days.
  • We will send you a suggested timetable when you enquire and we can work with you to create a timetable that works for your school day.

  • Discover and retain key facts and information relating to our world and its challenges.
  • Develop confidence and presentation skills by working alongside an expert drama facilitator.
  • Build teamwork and collaboration skills by working together to recreate different situations and settings from around the planet.
  • Think critically about our environment and take ownership of our role within it.

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Watch us in action!

Get a flavour of the West End in Schools experience with our new workshop highlights video.

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